Add Supporting Documents to Self-Service Leave Requests

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You asked and we delivered! We have expanded the self-service functionality so that employees can add documents when they request leave. Now employees can attach doctor’s certificates, birth and death certificates, or any other supporting documents to leave requests with ease.

Enhanced Insight into Employee Tax History

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We’ve just added a small but incredibly helpful feature to the system: effective dates for tax information.

Accounting Splits Made Easy

    1 minute read    

We’ve listened to your suggestions and are thrilled to launch our long-awaited Accounting Splits feature.

Leave Take-Ons: New and Improved

    1 minute read    

The way leave take-on balances are captured has been re-designed - providing more information and greater flexibility. Additionally, leave take-ons are now possible in bulk.

New Roles and Permissions

    1 minute read    

Another exciting new feature has just gone live! We have added two brand new user roles, which will enable you to exercise greater control over what users can see and do on the system.

New Look Payslips

    1 minute read    

We are very excited to announce the introduction of a new payslip design. All of the same payslip features and functionalities that you have become accustomed to will still be available.

Lots of New Features

    1 minute read    

We are very excited to tell you about all the useful features we’ve developed over the last few months. They include a brand new leave system and help site, as well as improved integration with Xero and expanded employee self-service functionality.


Payslips Delivered Right to Your Inbox

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Amongst all the big updates that always come with the start of a new year, our tenacious developers have been able to sneak in some small but very useful features that we’re hoping will make your life just that little bit easier.

Getting Started with Employee Self Service

    3 minute read    

Here at SimplePay, we believe that taking leave and getting paid should be the least stressful work related things that your employees can do. In the past, however, this hasn’t always been the case, mostly because of all of the red tape and paperwork involved in collecting payslips, and requesting and approving leave.

We’re in the Xero Marketplace!

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Are your accounts and payroll information not really on speaking terms? Well fret not, because SimplePay is now officially listed in the Xero add-on Marketplace.